
I have auditioned for several shows since we crossed paths and I have had two callbacks.

I will hear in a few weeks if I am cast as Nana in Tuck Everlasting!

I am so excited to be in this show.

Thanks for all of your help. My confidence really improved after we crossed paths!


Jenny Hatch

PS The Sparks Company is fourteen minutes from my condo!


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I also auditioned to play Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast for the theatrical company where I began my professional career in 1987!

I am hoping for a callback!


I also created a better audition site:


It is scary stepping out as a disabled actor, but I am really excited to get back to performing in musicals. It has been four years since I was in a show and I am anxious to get back on stage!



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Way to go on building out your site, Jenny. I had the chance to visit and look through it and there are many beautiful tastes on display.

Looking forward to hearing about all your next, creative steps - and rooting for you always!

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Happy New Year and ... way to go!

It's so nice to hear about your progress and I'll be rooting for your casting as Nana. What a joy to find a fun role with a group you respect - that's so close by. You certainly have a rich well of artistry to pull from and I know The Sparks Company would be well served having you on the team.

Here's to a happy, healthy, and artistically enriching year! Heck, here's to 2023 being your best year yet!



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