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Rehearsal Playground

Week #4: The Cop and the Paintier

Happy Saturday, friends. Welcome to EA’s Rehearsal Playground. Each week we’ll celebrate our Mainstage material and capture graveyard echoes emanating from EA’s Spoon River.

Paid members have an ALL NEW Weekly Character Challenge + March’s Mainstage Rehearsal Project waiting beyond the paywall below!

Graveyard Echoes

The Spoon River Anthology (Edgar Lee Masters)

Benjamin Pantier

Together in this grave lie Benjamin Pantier, attorney at law,
And Nig, his dog, constant companion, solace and friend.
Down the gray road, friends, children, men and women,
Passing one by one out of life, left me till I was alone
With Nig for partner, bed-fellow; comrade in drink.
In the morning of life I knew aspiration and saw glory,
The she, who survives me, snared my soul
With a snare which bled me to death,
Till I, once strong of will, lay broken, indifferent,
Living with Nig in a room back of a dingy office.
Under my Jaw-bone is snuggled the bony nose of Nig
Our story is lost in silence. Go by, mad world!

Ready to bring alive the untold story of Benjamin Pantier?

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Cinema Elysium Presents

The Cop and the Anthem (1952)

Directed by: Henry Coster
Run Time: 17 minutes


Weekly Character Challenges

How It Works

The first three Saturdays of each month deliver weekly character rehearsal challenges straight to your inbox. Something dynamic, something experimental, something transformational.

Something to push the boundaries of truth in character.

The last Saturday of the month features a live video rehearsal (also later available on-demand) where we … well, we go a little nuts. We set free our solo work in exciting, experimental ways - evolving, enhancing, and challenging our work.

March through July: EA’s Spoon River
August - November: Anton Chekhov’s Plays

Monthly Mainstage Rehearsal Project

How It Works

On the first Saturday of the month, our MainStage rehearsal project gets posted exclusively for members to play with all month long. Your posted material always receives feedback taking your creative work further.

Each project builds out an array of rehearsal tools, applying them to work you’ll remember forever. The stuff that makes acting worth investing in. Worth believing in.

The monthly projects are tailored to move at your pace - and are available anytime you’d like to revisit them. The work is timeless. Apply your discoveries to any new character, any new world that finds you in your training and professional life.

March through May: O. Henry
June through August: Oz
September through November: Stravinsky’s A Soldier’s Tale

It’s about your creative potential taking you where no one has gone before. Ready to roar?

Become A Member Today

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