Happy Tuesday! Welcome to Acting Class Daily. Each week we make a Kindred Connection with a member of our community - learning about formative moments, experiencing a few of their favorite things, tasting their artistic heart, and getting a look into their very soul.
#KindredConnect … Jenny Hatch
I was born into a musical family and grew up in the suburbs of Detroit Michigan. Although many of my friends grew up in upper middle class homes, with seven siblings I was always expected to work around the house, and starting in the third grade I worked a daily Detroit paper route. I continued to work odd jobs as well as perform in the many theatrical settings that were a part of my church, school, and community theatre offerings. I landed a job at the Playmill Theatre at the age of 19 and spent four glorious months performing eight shows a week at this summer stock venue right next to Yellowstone Park. Three weeks after closing I met my husband. We married in 1988 and I spent 25 years focused on our five children. When my youngest son was ten I started back on stage performing community theatre. I plan to transition to professional regional work and am hoping to score some jobs in live theatre, movies, and television. I have been podcasting for twelve years and have a keen interest in current events, family freedom, homebirth, and medical sovereignty. I am a grandmother with a vision for the world I want my grandchildren to grow up in. My mission statement is Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!
Connect with Jenny: Website, Callin and Substack.
Open Windows
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Here’s an unguarded, unedited, uninterrupted minute with the windows open.
My Artistic Heart
Revealing the truest, rawest taste of your creative soul through any form of live expression.
My Elysium Artist
The “reputational quote” you’ll earn when you’ve reached your potential.
When Jenny worked, the audience felt a soulfullness and connection that took their breath away.
What about Elysium feels kindred in spirit to the artist you are today?
Striving every day to do better.
TV Series
(My Daughter’s) Sourdough Bread
(My husband’s) Whole Grain Pancakes
What role would you most like to live-through … and why?
I love the lead character in You Can't Take It With You. Penny is my ideal woman, always writing a play and loving everyone in her life.
Tell us about a life-shaping moment.
I gave birth to a very large baby and bled out so badly I felt my spirit leaving my body. I heard my maternal grandmother who passed away when I was 12 yell, "Get back in your body," and I felt my spirit and body come back together. Each day since then has felt like a gift.
Share a moment when you experienced the best of yourself as an artist.
Singing God Bless America for military veterans after they took an Honor Flight.
Where have you travelled … and most want to travel?
Carnegie Hall to perform Faures Requiem with Colorado Rep. I have a deep desire to sing in all of the great music venues.
What does your perfect day-off look like?
Time with my husband with no distractions from work.
Did you know…?
I broke my thumb break dancing in 1985.
Kindred Spirits. Connect.
My inspiration for “The Veil”
I grew up in Toronto, Canada and we had this amazingness …
Ahhh! Something like it would be wonderful for actors. Not as a means to market or present ourselves, but rather an opportunity to drop the veil and simply speak you.
If you haven’t given it a try yet … there’s no better time than right now to add your first audio message to the growing mix: 989-843-8345 (THE VEIL).
I love this!
Thankyou Aaron. I feel solidly connected to Acting Class Daily.
My actor site just switched to the free wordpress plan because like everyone else in America, all of my money is being swallowed up by inflation.
The new url is https://jennyhatchactor.wordpress.com/
Jenny Hatch