This is Acting Class Daily, a professional teammate to any actor, at any stage of their career, looking to fulfill their potential and make success inevitable.
Actors commit thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours training, trying to be better over their lifetime and yet …
those same actors are left waiting in line, no guarantee of success in the profession no matter their talent, no matter their willingness to do the work to be their best. That’s unfair.
actors aren’t trained to remain fulfilled throughout their careers - no matter the twists and turns that are sure to come along. There’s something wrong with that.
Put simply. Something is broken in the world of training if an actor, who is willing to work hard, commit their heart, energy, resources and time to being their best … and yet still have no guarantee of a moment of work in the profession.
Is casting just luck?
Is all success in the profession determined by your look? last name? resume?
Is that just how things work?
Should you just accept all of it and get in line, hoping for a chance to be liked? picked?
Something is broken… disconnected … incomplete … in training, in muscle-building, preparation and real-world know-how, if the idea of you always working from your artistic ideals seem … silly? selfish? a nice wish?
There’s something ridiculous about telling actors that’s the way it has to be.
That way of thinking ... it’s a willingness to accept limitation.
It’s a failure of imagination.
Something is broken in actor training if an actor is not trained to unleash their unique artistry with ease and efficiency, no matter what life throws your way. If actors believe that time away means they’ve fallen away. Something is broken in actor training if those habits of limitation permeate the profession. Our humanity hasn’t taken any time off. It’s grown richer, textured, more complicated.
And your humanity is the source of your talent.
Modern acting training began over 100 years ago, divided up into camps, and hasn't been reinvigorated since, hasn’t bothered to connect what’s best and work harder to find what’s next - leaving actors too often uninspired and wandering alone through life, wondering at their own potential.
Actors deserve better.
You deserve answers that meet you where you are, work that makes success inevitable no matter which direction life pulls you.
We all move through different stages in life - so the only real answers, the only tools, exercises, perspectives we should care about, are ones that can move alongside each one of those stages with you. With you.
There’s a reason there aren’t universal tools available for actors when they exist for every other profession in a time of technological advance. That reason is because there hasn’t been a universal language that can speak to every actor, at every stage of their artistic life. A language of human transformation. Human artistic potential.
Elysium changes that.
Think of the best of acting.
Those moments.
That reminder of worth, and why you got into acting in the first place.
I want THAT available for you whenever you need it. Wherever you are in the world or in life. Available with ease. Like flicking on a light switch. Any single time you need it. Just before an audition. After life responsibilities have pulled you away from your art for a time. When you’re thinking of giving up. When you’re excited to create. After a director gives you an unclear note or a teacher asks you for something you don’t understand. On your best day. On your worst day. Wherever you are in the world, whatever level of clarity or challenge you face, whoever you’re working with, whatever style, language, character, set, time of day …
I want you to have something that tunes up your spirit, make things make sense, and shapes muscles that set you up for the highest levels of deep, meaningful, personal success.
I’m after all of it, for each and every one of us.
I get how ambitious, how scary, that can all sound.
And yet … how could our target be anything less?
The only thing I care about is helping you fulfill your creative potential.
I like to ask the questions my acting schools didn’t. Challenge the assumed no’s, every “that’s not the way it works.”
Turning each challenge into a trampoline launching us all forward.
I want to be the best in the world at bringing out an actor’s best. But more than that … I want to teach actors how to bring out the best in themselves, always, easily, joyfully.
I plan to earn that trust with our work, our interactions and … with your undeniable growth.
The earned trust of earned excellence.
Our goal is for Elysium to fundamentally change how actors view what’s possible. Gifting you with exactly what you need for clarity, inspiration and empowerment, so you in-turn gift audiences with art that awakens. Creativity that breaks the comfort of the cliche and reveals human truth.
There is no higher level of ambition. But words can stay at just that, words. The secret sauce lies in our philosophy, our focus … our Elysium Aesthetic. A way of training artistic excellence that empowers levels of truth in performance last reached for over a century ago.
From my heart, and with everything I know about this art form, this new direction is the answer to everything that can be possible in performance.
The Elysium Aesthetic is a game-changer. A creative life-changer. The language of universal human transformation. Clear, in-depth training for any actor, at any stage of their career, in any place in life. Everything you need from first read through final performance - every tool, muscle-builder, perspective and partner exercise that will unlock and unleash your unique artistic excellence.
It will take a leap-of-faith to believe things can be different.
That you really can do anything. That there is training that speaks your language, that unleashes your unique potential. That ignites your inner artistic flame at will.
That the world is better served with your art in it.
That you are the one the role has been waiting for - yes, you - even though you’ve been away for a while, started a family, never acted before, are in middle of a graduate program, neighborhood class, currently a star being typecast in the profession.
I am asking for a leap-of-faith on my behalf as well. That I will be able to see you - your challenges and strengths - and move you forward.
A leap-of-faith on behalf of the work - something I promise will reward you with the clarity, empowerment and inspiration to fulfill your artistic potential.
It’s your leap. Your faith that we can accomplish all that matters. That we will unleash your talent and fulfill your potential. Together.
The best of training lies in the magic of the world around us. We want to build a performing arts paradise together. We want to grow together. Play together. Overcome challenges and build off of success. Together.
A kindred community of like-minded artists all striving to fulfill their unique potential.
The setup for our world of Elysium Artists is simple: we want actors to learn our way of working at their highest level, with ease and efficiency, always. Once they do, we want to invest in lifelong creative success - making sure each need, at each stage of an actors life, is met with growth, opportunity, and teammates, always.
Everything starts with free access to Acting Class Daily allowing you to get to know our training, creativity and community so you can know for sure in your soul we are kindred in spirit.
As you invest in membership - for a month, for a year - we connect you to teammates, mentorship, creative collaboration. Passion projects and fearless work. Unapologetic poetic truth throughout every medium. Performance that makes acting worthwhile.
As it should be.
Like any project, we grow in stages and each stage gets to begin in “rehearsal.” That’s a good way to describe the gift of the road ahead. It’s experimental. Ideas shift and sharpen. Clarity ensues. All leading to the artistic adventure of a lifetime.
Welcome to Acting Class Daily.
Training that fulfills your potential. Creativity that feeds your soul. Connections that last a lifetime.
As it should be.
You deserve it.