Happy Tuesday! Welcome back to Acting Class Daily. We’re taking our weekly work further with access to my handwritten notes for each audio chapter, the glossary gigantum and … a new nominee for our digital wall.
Have a question about a phrase you’ve heard? Let us know and we’ll translate!
ACTOR’S BAROMETER; the instinctual knowing, a taste, a signal from your soul that you are moving in the right (or wrong) direction. The muscle of betting on yourself in the face of the unknown. That thing inside you that serves as your lifetime guide.
Something shaped into a super-strength with The Elysium Aesthetic work.
CREATIVE COMMUNICATION; the taste of any sound, image or object. Creative Communication goes beyond the words we use in daily life. Words we use because that’s what other people understand … but words that leave parts of what we know behind.
We Elysium Artists have a motto: “Leave no creative truth behind!”
Creative communication captures what you know, what you really mean. We reach into the nooks and crannies of expression by using part of a song, a brushstroke on a painting, a shadow falling in a picture, the feel of an object …
It’s how we speak the poetic language of our soul.
We had a tradition of capturing quotes on the Elysium walls. The torch has now been passed to the digital realm. Here’s this week’s nominee … and the .GIF it inspires: