Happy Tuesday! Welcome back to Acting Class Daily. We’re taking our weekly work further with access to my handwritten notes for each audio chapter, the glossary gigantum and … a new nominee for our digital wall.
Have a question about a phrase you’ve heard? Let us know and we’ll translate!
THE ELYSIUM LENS; the power of productive perspective. The muscle pushing back against the roaring, tidal wave of doubt existing in all of us.
The 3 Questions (step one in the Daily Elysium Artist Report, or DEAR) is an exercise that proves daily we can look at any seeming impossibility, any fog of confusion, and find the click of forward.
Where others would pause (or be stopped in their tracks or walk away) because … there’s no answer! the note makes no sense! the script is bad! I’m not good enough to get there! … only hearing the roaring echos of inevitability, futility, and a sense that it’s all just too hard .. or complicated … or impossible …
The Elysium Lens sees more.
The answer is on its way. It’s coming no matter the challenge. It will always, always, find you.
Forged daily into an instinctual confidence - your Elysium Lens celebrates adventure, allows wonder and curiosity to reign, and growth to feel like destiny.
We had a tradition of capturing quotes on the Elysium walls. The torch has now been passed to the digital realm. Here’s this week’s nominee … and the .GIF it inspires: